

I.    CLIF



v    Columbus Large Image Format

v    EO aerial imagery around OSU campus

v    Frame rate: 2 frames per second

v    Typical sensor altitude: 7000 ft (2.1 km)

v    Sensor: 2 x 3 array of 6 cameras


II.   Goal


v    Track objects such as cars and trucks



III.  Alignment


                  Features: Harris Corner                           Descriptors: SIFT                           Descriptor Matching


RANSAC based homography fitting


IV.  Background Subtraction





v    Gradient Suppression



V.   Tracking


1.         Tracking Framework: Bipartite Graph Matching


v Nodes at time t and t+1

§  Edges to nodes at t+1

v Occlusion nodes

§  Edges to occlusion nodes

v Dead end tracks from p frames back

§  Reacquisition edges


v Solve using Hungarian Algorithm


2.         Scene Constraints for Initialization

v Accurate velocity estimate is needed to obtain proper correspondences which is not available initially

v Use local contextual information to help with assignment


2a.       Global Velocity

v Compute all possible velocity orientations between two frames.

v Obtain histogram.

v Select mean of histogram mode as the global velocity.


v Compute weight as:





2b.       Neighbor Context:

            For every object to match:

v Compute vectors from it’s position to neighboring objects

v Obtain 2D histogram of orientation and magnitude


v Compute weight as:





3.         Graph Weights:



4.         Grid Cells and Object Handover

            Images divided into cells (for speed and constraints):

v Cells have overlap

v Bipartite matching done for each cell

v Tracks crossing cells are linked together


VI.  Multiple Cameras


v Different Camera Response Functions (CRFs):


v Inter-camera equalization using Gamma Function:


v Alpha-blending:



VII. Ground Truth



            [Download sequences information & ground truth here]


VIII. Qualitative Results

v Comparison against nearest-neighbor greedy bipartite (without constraints):





                               Track Completeness Factor                                     Track Fragmentation  


IX.  Qualitative Results




            [Download video for Sequence 1 here]

X.   Publications


Vladimir Reilly, Haroon Idrees, Mubarak Shah,

“Detection and Tracking of Large Number of Vehicles in Wide Area Surveillance”,

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010.


[Download paper here][High Resolution]