
Boundary Detection in Hollywood Movies and TV Show
Finding scenes in a video
is a problem of shot clustering based on some matching criteria, for example,
color similarity. In this project, we present a method to perform a high
level segmentation of videos into scenes.
A scene can be defined as one of the subdivisions of a play in which the
setting is fixed (employing color similarity), or when it presents continuous
action in one place (employing motion content and shot length similarity).
We propose a novel two-pass algorithm for scene boundary detection which
utilizes the motion contents and shot length together with the color properties
of shots as the features. In our approach, shots are first clustered by
computing Backward Shot Coherence (BSC); a shot color similarity measure
that detects Potential Scene Boundaries (PSBs) in the videos. In
the second pass we compute Scene Dynamics (SD) for each scene which
is a function of shot length and the motion content in the potential scenes.
In this pass, a scene merging criteria has been developed to remove weak
PSBs in order to reduce unnecessary over-segmentation. This method results
in more meaningful scene boundaries than those which utilize color matching
We also propose a method to describe the content of each scene by selecting
one representative image from the video. This is done by analyzing shot
coherence, shot length and the motion content of shots in a scene. This
results in a compact representation of huge videos in a small number of
key frames. The segmentation of video data into number of scenes also facilitates
an improved browsing of videos in electronic form, such as video on demand,
digital libraries, Internet. Recently, DVDs are available
with chapter selection option where each chapter is represented by an image.
Our algorithm can be used to automate this objective by first finding the
scenes and then selecting a representative image for every scene.
Associated publications:
Boundary Detection in Hollywood Movies and TV Show
The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Vancouver,
Canada. July 9-12, 2001