Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision
Dr. Mubarak Shah, Dr. Niels Lobo and Dr. Rahul Sukthankar
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the Computer Vision Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, at the University of Central Florida (UCF), as a site for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in the area of Computer Vision for 2012-2014. The purpose of the REU is to encourage undergraduate students to pursue graduate school and research careers.
The computer vision lab at UCF has continued to be an REU site since the inception of REU by NSF in 1987. Close to 250 undergraduates from more than thirty five institutions throughout the country have participated in this project. These undergraduates have co-authored more than 70 research papers (in reputed journals ike PAMI, PR, CVGIP, and conferences like ICCV, CVPR, ICPR). Approximately half of these participants have gone to graduate schools, fifteen students have written Honors in the Major Theses, several participants are now faculty members at different Universities, and five participants have started their own companies.
See REU for more details.
This year, ten undergraduate students will participate in this program from across the U.S. The University of Central Florida will serve as a central point for coordination and administration of the program. This year’s program will start around May 12, 2012, and will end around August 15, 2012; this is open to all sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates in computer science, computer engineering and related fields, who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents, with a GPA of 3.0 or above. Students will be given an introductory course in Computer Vision during the first few weeks, and then be introduced to various research projects in the Computer Vision area. The students will work full time on their individual research projects during the summer semester. Each student will be paid a stipend of $6,000 for the summer, and receive a small travel allowance, a small meal allowance, and a housing stipend for the summer.
Out of state students who are motivated and interested may be given the option to continue working on their projects (for an additional stipend) when they return home during the Fall and Spring semesters. If you are a junior or senior in Computer Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering and have a GPA of 3.0 or above, and are interested in participating in this project please apply electronically before March 15, 2012 by visiting our web page by clicking here (Apply).
If you have any questions regarding this program, please see/call one of Professors Shah, Lobo or Suthankar; or send email to
Overview of REU
Power Point Presentation (2000)M. Shah, K. Bowyer, Mentoring Undergraduates in Computer Vision Research, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.44, No.3, pp 252-25, Aug, 2001.
G. Bebis, D. Egbert, and M. Shah, Review of Computer Vision Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 2-21, 2003.
NSF REU Principle Investigator's Meeting, February 22-24, 2004.
NSF REU Principle Investigator's Meeting, January 14th, 2002.

REU Participants and Projects
NSF REU Grants
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $359,770, April 2012 - April 2015. PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $300,000, January 2009 - April 2013. PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $300,000, February 2006 - March 2009. (PI: M. Shah).
- NSF REU PI meeting, National Science Foundation (NSF), $67,000, November 2001–October 2002. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $350,000, May 2001–April 2006. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $280,000, May 1998–April 2001. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $287,980, May 1995–April 1998. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $200,000, June 1992–May 1994. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $104,930, June 1991–May 1992. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $105,000, June 1990–May 1991. (PI: M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $76,000, June 1989–May 1990. (PI. M. Shah).
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer Vision, National Science Foundation (NSF), $44,000, June 1987–May 1988. (PI: M. Shah).