abstract: |
Andrew Wu
Freshman in CS at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
email: <awu at students.uiuc.edu>
research: |
Topic: "A Virtual 3D Blackboard:
3D Finger Tracking with a Single Camera"
Download paper: "A
Virtual 3D Blackboard ..."
.PS (PostScript -- ~4.3 mb) file.
See some animated gif movies
from my research.
source code: |
Code I wrote or helped to develop:
edge detector. [Written in C under Unix]
compression utility [Perl] Compresses Color Predicate
datafiles created by SkinT. Compressed CPR datafile can be read by
CColorReader class in SkinT package.
Horn &
Schunk Optical flow [C/Unix]
[C++, compiles under MSCVC 6.0 and GNU g++.]
SkinT(rainer). Partially based on Sohaib Khan's training
program. Creates a Color Predicate datafile that can be trained to
find skin regions (or other types of colored regions).
Filter class
[Written in C++ for Unix or Windows. Requires image
classes linked to below.] Provides a potpourri of image filters and
operations, from median filters and alpha blending to line and box
Image classes. [C++, compiles under MSVC 6.0 and GNU g++.]
Provides a binary/ASCII (color image) PPM class and an ASCII PBM
(binary image) class. Portions originally written by Sohaib
Khan. Ported to Unix by Suraya Figueiredo and Andrew Wu. Furthermore
extended by Andrew Wu.
misc: |
Bits of my summer
worklog, John Carmack
style, for the curious.
See what I've
been reading,
this Summer.
picture: |
heh. there are enough poor pictures
of me on the web already.
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