abstract: |
The Computer Vision Research Experience for Undergradutes (REU) at the
University of Central Florida is
designed to allow undergraduates from around the country have the
opportunity to get a taste for real research. See the
UCF Computer Vision page
for details.
The page you now read was put up by some of the participants of
the UCF REU during Summer 1999.
participants: |
Robert Aylesworth,
junior, University of Michigan.
Ellen Baker, U. Penn.
Suraya Figueiredo,
frosh, University of Toronto.
Dan Hurley,
Niel Lott, UCF.
Merrill E. McKee,
senior, UCF.
Ibrahim Merchant,
sophomore, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Kevin Neff,
freshman, University of Wisconsin - Stout.
Rusty Phillips,
Raymond Paul Smith, sophomore, UCF.
Michael Wallick, sophomore, UCF.
Dorota Woodbury, UCF.
Andrew Wu,
freshman, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Note: Year was determined by the ceiling function of the
number of years the student has spent at the student's college.
Thus (0, 1.0] would be freshman, (1.0, 2.0] would be
sophomore, etc.
professors: |
Dr. Mubarak Shah
Dr. Niels da Vitoria Lobo
projects: |
Some example projects this year have included: A Virtual 3D Blackboard: 3D Finger Tracking with a Single Camera ,
Manatee Recognition,
Tracking Car Collisions,
Transaction Analysis using 2D Motion,
Fire Recognition, and
Driver Alertness.
source code: |
Libraries of source code developed by REU 99 students:
Andrew Wu
(color predicate, image classes, Canny, optical flow, filter and utility code)
et al.
misc: |
(Not intended for the general populace):
Tips for future REU students
last updated: 14 aug 1999
page created: 21 july 1999
Disclaimer: The views and text on this web page represent
only the views of its webmaster(s), and not of the University
of Central Florida or the REU Program.
Webmaster: <aw47967 at ucf dot edu> or <kn00110@cs.ucf.edu>