CAP5415 - Computer Vision
FALL 2012
TUESDAY/THURSDAY 12:00 - 13:15
HEC 110
Prof. Mubarak ShahOffice: HEC-247
Phone: 407-823-5077
Office Hours: Mon 14:00-15:00 Tue 13:15-14:00 Thu 11:00-12:00 or by appointment
Email: shah at
Teaching Assistant
Berkan SolmazHEC-254 (Computer Vision Lab)
Phone (Vision Lab): 407-823-4733
Office Hours: Mon 15:00-16:00 Wed 12:00-13:00
Email: berkansolmaz at
Course Goals
The course is introductory level. It will cover the basic topics of computer vision, and introduce some fundamental approaches for computer vision research.* Image Filtering, Edge Detection, Interest Point Detectors
* Motion and Optical Flow
* Region Segmentation
* Object Detection and tracking
* Line and Curve Detection
* Shape Analysis
* Stereopsis
* Imaging Geometry, Camera Modeling and Calibration
Grading Policy
Homework: 10%Programming Assignments: 40%
Mid-Term Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 30%
90 - 100 = A;80 - 89 = B;
70 - 79 = C;
- Programming will be in MATLAB or you can do in C on your own.- You are not supposed to use MATLAB code from the web, written by someone else.
- Everything has to be written by yourself except the standard Matlab functions.
- There will be a tutorial on MATLAB in the class. (Time will be announced)
A good background in calculus, geometry, linear algebra, programming in MATLAB or C. The University Golden Rules will be observed in this class. Copying or Plagiarism is violation of the Golden Rules.Reference Text
- Mubarak Shah, "Fundamentals of Computer Vision".
- Richard Szeliski, "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Application".
- Emanuele Trucco, Alessandro Verri, "Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision", Prentice Hall, 1998.
Lectures (From last year, will be updated after each class)
Lecture 1 (08/21/2012)
Lecture 2 (08/23/2012)
Lecture 3 (08/28/2012)
- Images, Noise, Derivative, Convolution, Filtering, etc. (cont'd) (pdf) (video) (youTube)
- Edge Detection (pdf) (video) (youTube)
Matlab Tutorial (08/29/2012)
Lecture 4 (08/30/2012)
- Edge Detection (cont'd) (pdf) (video) (youTube)
- Interest Point Detection, Harris Corner Detector (pdf) (video) (youTube)
Lecture 5 (09/04/2012)
Lecture 6 (09/11/2012)
Lecture 7 (09/13/2012)
Lecture 8 (09/18/2012)
Lecture 9 (09/20/2012)
Lecture 10 (09/27/2012)
Lecture 11 (10/02/2012)
Lecture 12 (10/25/2012)
Videos of last year’s lectures
Programming Assignment 1 (due 09/18/2012) (zip)
Programming Assignment 2 (due 10/09/2012) (pdf)
Programming Assignment 3 (due 11/08/2012)
- Data and Sample Outputs (zip)